Tag Archives: japanese

Chopstick Bowls!

11 Oct


I learned a lot at the Farmers’ Market this year. Mostly from my customers. I got requests for all sorts of interesting things, and rice bowls were on the wish list. I had never heard of such a thing, but now I’m in love with rice/chopstick/noodle bowls. Here are a few samples of what I came up with. I even ordered a whole boatload of chopsticks to go with them! You can find my rice bowls at my Etsy shop (the link at the right; over there . . . —>    No, no . . . down a bit . . . yeah, you found it. 😉

Or if you’re in Rapid City, drop me an e-mail and I can save you some money on shipping and packing. I will be at the Creative Hands Autumn Bazaar on Oct. 19 from 4:00 p.m. to 8:00 p.m. and Oct. 20th from 9:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. That’s next (coming) weekend, Friday and Saturday — in the Fine Arts Building at the Central States Fairgrounds.

In addition, I’ll be displaying at the Pinedale Elementary PTA Bazaar on Saturday Nov. 5th from 8:30 a.m. to 3:00 p.m. The Pinedale PTA has been putting on the biggest art show in town for 30 years now, so I’m excited to have been accepted. Bring your Christmas list and your appetite. They’re cooking up some great treats, I hear, and more than 45 high-quality vendors will showcase their artworks and fine crafts, just in time to help you get the perfect gifts for all your loved ones. Especially if they’re rice eaters!

I didn’t know what a rice bowl looked like, so of course I searched it on-line. I never print off pictures or try to memorize the images I see when I do this. My goal is to get an idea of, well in this case, “rice bowlness” so to speak. After a half-hour or so or looking, I went to bed and when I woke up, this was what I had in my mind. Unless someone asks me to, I don’t think I’ll try to make them in any other way.

I’ve looked at rice bowls since and not seen any quite like these, and I have an affinity for the shape and the way the chopsticks lie in these bowls. They’re not tiny little things meant only for rice, either. They’ll hold a nice-sized serving of anything you’d like to eat with chopsticks. I’m pleased with them. 😀